Thursday, June 13, 2013

You're Already Beautiful

There's so much more to you than what meets the eye, and when you size yourself up according to what you see when you look in the mirror, you miss the total picture of the beauty you truly possess.

The mirror hanging on your wall cannot be trusted to tell you the truth about how beautiful you are. It will tell you you're fat, you're ugly, and you don't look like those perfect women on the cover of magazines. It will make you believe you're too much of this and not of enough of that; that you need to change your hair, do more with your makeup, and alter your wardrobe. It will destroy your self-esteem.

In my newly released book, Beautiful Me: 21 Days to Embracing Your Beauty WithinI wrote:

"It’s hard nowadays to turn on the television or look on the cover of magazines and see a woman who looks like you. Many of them are airbrushed to resemble perfect beauty defined by the close-mindedness of media and pop culture. She has the perfect body, perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect fashion; in one word, she’s perfect. When you size yourself next to her, all you are able to see are your imperfections, because they don’t match the beauty she represents. But who ever set a specific standard to beauty? Who ever said you must be this size, have this hair, and look this way to be considered beautiful? It’s all a lie. True beauty is not indicative upon how you look, but upon the makeup of who you are."

Why do we, as God's daughters, try to measure our beauty based upon worldly standards?  Why do we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to look like what the world deems beautiful?  And when we don't fit its standard, why do we feel like something is wrong with us?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.  You are not supposed to look like the woman that media and those around you force in your face.  You are a unique being, created in the image of the Almighty God.

Attempting to look like anything other than Him is a downgrade to your true beauty.

Take the stress and pressure off of yourself and know this -- Your beauty is intricately wrapped in the divine design of your creation. It is in the combination of splendid qualities placed within you by the hands of The Heavenly Father before He formed you in your mother’s womb. You are God’s workmanship, His masterpiece, and everything He creates is lovely. His image sets the standard for your beauty, and His image is perfectly beautiful; therefore, so are you. 

Fashion yourself after the Spirit of the Lord and clothe yourself in holiness, righteousness, love, peace, and joy.  Adorn yourself with a life of worship and prayer.  Measure yourself next to the Word of God, and in those areas where you don't quite line up, ask for His grace and strength to alter what is necessary.

You're already beautiful. No mirror or magazine cover can define that; only God.

Be Beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. My hubby made a statement, true beauty doesn't take that much work. Honestly,I always viewed some of the celeb as fake. when you remove the the layers (makeup,airbrush,lashes, weave,etc), you'll see an average sometimes almost ugly person. Granted,there's nothing wrong with enhancing your beauty. Sometimes ppl cover their natural beauty with fake stuff. Love who you are is my motto ;)
